For every time you order with us, we plant a tree!

  • Who plants all of the One Tree Planted Trees donated


    One Tree Planted is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is dedicated to global reforestation. They plant trees to restore nature and biodiversity. They also raise awareness about the importance of trees, offer businesses like ours a simple sustainability solution, and motivate younger generations to do something positive for the environment.

    It requires 7 to 8 mature trees to provide enough oxygen for one person each year.

  • What is being planted


    One Tree Planted, plants trees that are native to the environment of the reforestation area.

    There are over 60,000 tree species across the globe. Nearly half of all tree species (45%) are members of just 10 families.

  • Where do we plant? Deforestation places


    One Tree Planted plants trees where they are needed most in North America, Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Pacific. Make an impact with us. Every time you order a piece of art, you are supporting reforestation around the world!

    We lost a football pitch of primary rainforest every 6 seconds in 2019. The largest share of forest in protected areas is found in South America (31%) an the lowest in Europe (5%).

  • When does it happen?


    One Tree Planted has planted over 135.5 million trees in 82 countries across the globe since 2014. In 2022, we more than doubled our impact from 2021 - with 52.7 million trees!

    Adding a single tree to an open pasture can increase bird biodiversity from almost zero species to as high as 80. It takes 460 trees to absorb the annual CO2 emissions of a single car. Forests currently absorb 30% of all CO2 emissions.

  • Why are trees important to the planet?


    Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity.

    More than 60% of anticancer drugs originate from natural sources. Tropical rainforests are home to more than 1/2 of our planet’s terrestrial wildlife species. 1.6 billion people depend on forest resources for their livelihoods and most of them use trees on farms to generate food and income. The area of primary forest worldwide has decreased by over 80 million hectares since 1990.

  • How does it work and get done?


    We are honored to support reforestation with @onetreeplanted as part of our commitment to sustainability to plant one tree for every time you order with us!

    Areas managed by indigenous peoples include some of the most ecologically intact forests in the world. Although the planet lost more than 1.33 million square kilometers between 1982 and 2016 mostly in the tropics, we gained about 3.5 million square kilometers of tree cover elsewhere.